বঙ্গবন্ধুর স্বাধীনতার ঘোষণা - কিছু দলিলপত্র
In the very first hours of March 26, 1971, “Bangabandhu” Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared the independence of Bangladesh, before he was arrested by the Pakistani Military Junta. A government handout in Karachi, Pakistan gave the time of his arrest at 1:30 am (see the Dawn newspaper clipping from March 28, 1971).
Multiple sources confirm that Bangabandhu sent a telegraphic message to different places of the country before his arrest that night. However, the exact mode of delivery and content of that message has not been fully authenticated.
The following images showcase this message of declaration from government publications, books, and newspapers. The original sources are mentioned in the images.
Some claim that one of these images (the first one below) is the actual message sent by Bangabandhu with his signature in English at the bottom. But as facsimile was not an option at that point, and all sources point toward a telegraphic transmission, this claim appears futile.